Music Ministry

Wednesday Music and Liturgy

Join us for an hour of music and reflection

Each day, our community gathers for prayer and daily mass.  On Wednesdays during the academic year, our celebration includes music.  

If you sing or play and instrument, come and join us!   Please come to the chapel:

Rehearsal: 11:30am, Mass at 12:10pm. Location: Chapel

Special event: Mass of the Holy Spirit. Thursday Sept 7, 2023
Rehearsal: 11:00am-12noon; Mass at 12:10pm


Although the snapshots below are titled by their specific mass times (9:30am, 11:30am choir), members are free to interchange and sing at other mass times as well, depending on their schedule, or other circumstances. Music ministry snapshots for other mass times and special events will be published here as well (on an ongoing basis).

9:30am mass choir

11:30am mass choir

7:00Pm mass choir

“Virtual Choir” selections

During the COVID health crisis, we have been posting the Liturgy of the Word online, as well as hymns and songs recorded from our regular choir members to create a “virtual choir”. Click on the arrow beside each title to listen.

St. Mark’s Parish Music Ministry song selections

Some sheet music is shared on this site.  Please contact the coordinator to obtain access to the sheet music here. 

Protected: Praise lead sheets – updates.
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5935 Iona Drive
Vancouver, BC  V6T 1J7
Phone: 604-822-0261