Sunday Liturgy

9:30am, 11:30am

Zoom masses will continue to be available at these same times.

4:30pm Mass will resume on Sept 1, 2024 

Daily Liturgy

Weekday mass at 12:10pm will be celebrated both in-person in the Chapel and via. ZOOM at 12:10pm. Contact the parish to receive the Zoom invite.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Wed 1-1:30pm, Thurs 11am-11:40am, or by appointment

"Teaching Mass"

Sunday, May 5, 2024. 1:15pm

During this teaching mass, Fr. Rob will explain the meaning behind each of the rituals, responses and prayers.  Anyone wishing to serve at mass are invited to participate (as a starting point, the Confirmation class and RCIA class are invited).  The community is also invited to support those who are learning to serve and growing in their faith.

Parish Picnic and Confirmation Day!

Sunday, June 16, 11:30am mass

The Confirmation class will be “graduating” (and receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation) during the 11:30am mass.

The Parish Picnic will follow the 11:30am mass.  The Parish will provide some dishes, but if you could bring food, that would be appreciated!

This day is also dedicated to all Fathers of the Parish.  

Past events