Past Events
July 2022
The Summer Institute offers all who are interested – including those who work in education, parish ministry, healthcare, and Other professions – the opportunity to engage deeply in reflection and discussion.
Among other courses, you can learn about evangelization with
Fr. Davide Lanzani or what it means to be a Catholic in culturally diverse Vancouver with Hansol Goo. Classes take place from July 4 – 15. More details and registration at
June 2022
There will be a special diocesan collection on this Sunday
Congratulations to the St. Mark’s First Communion Class 2022
Special Blessings and Congratulations to
James Joseph Angelucci, Isabella Rodriguez Castro, Kira Ngminkoma Kuuteryiri, Adrian del Paso Santaella, Nina Veselska, Cuore Shi Sum Yu, Karen Mwinbangfu Zielley (celebrated their first Communion on June 5th, 2022).
and Jake Kwok who celebrated his first Communion on June 12, 2022.
Congratulations to the Confirmation class at St. Mark’s Parish 2022
Confirmed on June 26, 2022:
Josie Kwok, Filip Veselský, SuhWon (Alexander) Kang, Sophia Marie Bonnie Poulsen
RCIA Candidates:
Allison Anderson, Miguel Villalba. (Confirmed on Easter Vigil, April 16, 2022)
Patrick Kevin Cotterall (Confirmed on June 26th, 2022)
May 2022
Newman Association Vancouver
Annual General Meeting
Saturday, May 28 at 10am – FREE Admission
Location: Plato’s Cave at St. Mark’s College or virtually on Zoom
Register here…
Keynote Speaker: Fr. Richard S. Soo, SJ, will be giving a discussion on the Catholic Church in Ukraine during this tragic time of war against Russia’s forces.
UBC Electrical Feeder Shutdown 8am – 8pm: MAY 29, 2022 – SUNDAY
NO Masses, communion or confessions at St. Mark’s chapel, Sun., May 29
In-person, Anticipated Mass will be celebrated at St. Mark’s chapel at 4:30pm, on Saturday, May 28
Sunday Masses, May 29 at 9:30am & 11:30am will be via Zoom ONLY
There will be no 4:30pm Sunday Mass
Ambrose and Matilda Music Connection
8th Annual Concert
Date: Sunday, May 8
Time: Mass at 2pm, followed by performances at 3:15pm
Address: Gardens of Gethsemani, Surrey, BC
Featuring: Ashley Jimin Kim, Violin
North Vancouver Wind Trio:
– Gene Ramsbottom, Clarinet
– Sylvia Park, Flute
– Gregory Cukrov, Bassoon
Donations by cash, cheque or interac e-transfer will go towards supporting bereaved families through music services, and a portion to those impacted by the crisis in Ukraine. Please make cheques payable to Ambrose Matilda Music Connection Society.
Visit for more information
Moms Retreat: She Pondered These Things in Her Heart
Sat May 7, 9 am – 12 pm
An invitation to nurture your soul with other moms in preparation for Mother’s Day. Retreat Director Catherine M. Kelly, M.Div. will offer inspiring inputs and invite us to ponder prayerfully our journey and vocation as moms, using scripture, poetry, art, and music.
Morning includes quiet time for personal prayer, small group spiritual conversation, and muffins. All moms are welcome. Retreat 9 am – 12 pm, available in person and via Zoom. Sliding scale registration fees: $35-60+ plus 5% GST. Financial assistance and limited childcare available upon request. Register via Eventbrite:
April 2022
Easter Egg hunt.
There will be an Easter egg hunt on Sunday April 17 at 10:35am. Please go inside the chapel during announcements for instructions.
There will be three distinctive zones for egg-hunters:
(a) 0 to 2 year olds, (b) 3 to 6 year olds, (c) the “Lord of the Flies” zone for 7 to 11 year olds.
The egg-hunt will occur outdoors regardless of weather. For any questions, contact the Parish Office
The LUCKY WINNERS were announced after the 11:30am Easter Sunday Mass
Basket 1 (with 73 Chocolate Eggs & Peeps Marshmallow) — Dean Airey
No one submitted the right guess for Basket 1, so a draw was done with 3 of the closest guesses:
74 — Lorenzo Ranada, 72 — Rafael de Boer and 72 — Dean Airey
Basket 2 (with 92 Chocolate Eggs & Peeps Marshmallow) — Josie Kwok
Holy Week Services
April 10: Palm Sunday
9:30am, 11:30am & 4:30pm Masses
April 14: Holy Thursday Service – 7pm
No Washing of the Feet
April 15: Good Friday
11am – Stations of the Cross
1pm – Seven Last Words of Christ (Plato’s Cave)
3pm – The Passion of Jesus Christ (Chapel)
April 16: Saturday Easter Vigil &
RCIA Celebration – 9pm
April 17: Easter Sunday
9:30am & 11:30am Masses
No 4:30pm Mass
Good Friday Stations of the Cross
Join the “children” of our parish as they lead the solemn STATIONS OF THE CROSS on Good Friday – April 15 at @ 11am in-person & on Zoom
Please email the parish for the Zoom link.
Let Us Dream: Synod Listening Sessions for the Universal Church, April 2 & 5
Pope Francis invites all Catholics and all people of good will to pray, dream and listen deeply as we engage in spiritual conversation about the future of the universal Church. The intent of the Synod is to “inspire people to dream about the Church we are called to be, to make hope flourish, stimulate trust, bind up wounds, build bridges, enlighten minds, warm hearts and restore strength to our hands.” We invite you to pray 10-15 minutes per day with the Gospel of the day and with these preparatory reflection questions
(1) In praying about your experience of journeying together as Church, locally and universally, what joys and obstacles has the Holy Spirit revealed to you?
(2) In looking at how we live as the People of God in the modern world, are there people, places, issues where we might be invited to be present, to act, to respond?
(3) How can we, the local Church, journey with our Indigenous sisters and brothers in a process of healing and reconciliation?
(4) How might the Holy Spirit be inviting and/or prompting you and us as we journey together as Church into the future?
We are offering the same listening session at two different times. You may participate in-person in the chapel or by Zoom. Please register on Eventbrite or if you are not online, call the parish office.
For Sat April 2, 9-11 am: and for Tues April 5, 7-9 pm:
March 2022
St. Mark's Parish Mask Use
On March 10, the BC Provincial Health Officer, Dr Bonnie Henry, announced that the Public Health Order requiring masks to be worn in public indoor spaces is lifted as of March 11, 2022.
The latest changes indicate that while face coverings will be optional for people in all indoor public settings, individual organizations can choose to continue to require mask wearing on their premises.
As such, UBC will continue with the current approach, requiring masks to be worn in public indoor spaces on both campuses, until the end of the 2021/22 Winter Session on April 30, 2022.
Learn more about the UBC COVID-19 Campus Rules at
At St. Mark’s Parish we have, throughout the pandemic, followed the protocols set out by UBC. As such, we will continue to require masks be worn in indoor settings at St. Mark’s Parish & at Corpus Christi & St. Mark’s College buildings.
Thank you for your ongoing cooperation with these matters.
Holy Hour Adoration
Every Thursday in the Chapel 9:00am-10:00am during Lent
Lenten Reconciliation Service
We will hold our Lenten reconciliation service on Sunday, April 3rd from 2:30pm until 4:00pm (this is our regular Sunday confession time, but confessions on this day will be extended).
The service will begin with a brief Liturgy of the Word and examination of conscience.
LET US DREAM Conversations with POPE FRANCIS
Join St. Marks Parish Community reading and discussion group to examine Let Us Dream by Pope Francis.
Some copies of the book have been purchased and can be obtained from the parish ($31.00 each). Copies of the book are also available by online order. The reading group will meet on Zoom for four sessions during March. Each session will be available at two different days/times.
Please sign up with the Parish Office to receive the Zoom link. Remaining sessions are scheduled as follows;
Last sessions: March 30 at 1:00pm
March 31 at 7:00pm
The Letters of Saint Paul Series: Paul the Problem Solver
Featuring Fr. Nick Meisl
Saturday, March 12, 2022 7pm to 8:30pm / Online
Free – All are welcome
Dear Friends,
We are looking forward to the final session of our Letters of St. Paul Series with Fr. Nick, this Saturday!
Will you join us?
Fr. Nick holds a License from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. An ordained priest at the Archdiocese of Vancouver and currently teaches at Corpus Christi & St. Mark’s Colleges.
To register & watch the recording of the previous sessions, visit:
Begins Ash Wednesday, 2nd March. A 16th Century soldier turned saint whose life is relevant & inspirational today.
Come with us on a journey through Lent with Ignatius of Loyola and see how his struggles and achievements form part of the common human search to
understand self and live a fulfilling life. Each day of Lent we offer:
An episode in the life of Ignatius
A reading from Scripture
A picture to ponder
Music to inspire
A short reflection
Ash Wednesday 2022
The season of Lent will begin on Wednesday, March 2, 2022.
There will be 2 masses on that day: 12:10pm, 4:30pm and 7:00pm
Full vaccinations and masks are required for admission.
What is God Saying to the Church?
March 1, 2022 – 2 PM Atlantic/6 PM London
March 2022 marks nearly two years since the pandemic hit. Around the world, the Church found herself wrestling with tremendous challenges but also finding bold new opportunities to proclaim the Gospel and live out the call to discipleship.
Join a conversation between Bishop Robert Barron, Rev. Nicky Gumbel and Fr. James Mallon as they explore together what God is saying to the Church through all of this, what we can learn, and where to focus on for the future.
To register, visit:
February 2022
Returning Whence We Came: Discerning God's Will for Us
St. Mark’s Parish’s very own Fr. Adam will be joining us for a lecture on discernment. We’d love you to join us in this discussion! Framing his discussion around the ancient scheme of procession from God and return to God, Fr. Adam hopes to share the importance of discernment in the Christian life.
This idea of the return to God comes through a Christian appropriation of Platonic and Neoplatonic ideas. When paired with our revealed narrative of Fall and Redemption this paradigm helped shape Christian conceptions of the mystical journey and continues to elicit a search for the will of God in our lives.
Saturday, February 19 at 11:00am
World Day of the Sick
As the church marks the World Day of the Sick on February 11,
we encourage everyone to pray for those who suffer from illness and for their caregivers.
The theme of this year’s 30th World Day of the Sick,
“Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful” (Lk 6:36),
makes us first turn our gaze towards God, who is “rich in mercy” (Eph 2:4).
Archbishop Miller will celebrate a live streamed Mass for World Day of the Sick.
Friday, February 11 at 12:00pm. Learn more at
Faith, Science, and the Common Good – SCS Canada 2022 Speaker Event
Thu, February 10, 2022; 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM PST. ONLINE EVENT
Our Parish Synod Listening Sessions – Additional sessions are being offered
St Mark’s Parish will be offering additional listening sessions for the Synod of Bishops. All the People of God are invited to engage in this spiritual conversation. Thanks to those who participated in the Jan 29th and Feb 1st sessions.
Please choose to attend one of the two ZOOM sessions (both the same):
Tuesday Feb 8, 7- 8:30pm or Tuesday Feb 15, 1- 2:30pm
Discerning Life Decisions in the Sacrament of Matrimony
Sun Feb 13, 2:05 pm via Zoom
Food for the Soul Student Retreats
Pray the famous Spiritual Exercises Retreat of St Ignatius
An intensive Retreat offered in the Archdiocese (9 months)
Each participant has their own personal Retreat Director.
A Retreat tailored for you personally.-
The Retreat focuses on your actual Experience of God.
- a practicum of Discernment
- finding the Lord in the deepest areas of one’s soul.
- praying through one’s own life and the life of Christ,
- experience God’s Presence, Healing, and Call to salvation and vocation, including any major decisions.
The Retreat is held in 2 Parts (May to June & October to April)
Requirements include:
- daily: 1 hour prayer period – plus 15 minutes short prayer
- weekly online meetings with your Retreat Director,
- online instructional session (using Microsoft Teams & Skype) • [weekly in Part 1; monthly in Part 2]
- a silent retreat day (a specified Saturday)
Application deadline: January 31, 2022 Registration fee: $100 (bursaries available).
Pray the famous Spiritual Exercises Retreat of St Ignatius
An intensive (9 month) Retreat offered in the Archdiocese.
A Retreat tailored for you personally.
The Retreat: Discerning on your actual Experience of God.
- finding the Lord in the deepest areas of one’s soul.
- praying through one’s own life and the life of Christ,
- experience God’s Presence, Healing, and Call to salvation and vocation, including any major decisions
January 2022
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2022
Sermon to be delivered by Craig O’Brien, Pastor, Origin Church, Coordinating Chaplain, University Multifaith Chaplains Association
Save the Date – Our Parish Synod Listening Sessions
Our Parish Synod Listening Sessions
St Mark’s Parish will launch its listening sessions for the Synod of Bishops. All the People of God are invited to engage in this spiritual conversation.
Please choose to attend one of the two ZOOM sessions (both the same):
Sat Jan. 29 9:30-11am or Tues Feb. 1 from 7-8:30pm
Please register with the Parish. If you are unable to participate by Zoom, please contact the parish
Questions about the Synod: What is a Synod? How will it work. Visit:
Parish Synodal Listening Sessions - Preparatory Reflection Materials
In preparation for the parish synodal listening sessions, we would like to invite you to pray 10-15 minutes each day. Let the Holy Spirit guide you to select a scripture passage, and/or an element of your church experience to pray with and/or one of the themes for the Synod. We would like to suggest (1) one of the following scriptures: Road to Emmaus Lk 24:13-35; Canaanite Woman Mt 15:21-28; Samaritan Woman Jn 4:1-42; Man Born Blind Jn 9:1-38; Acts 1 Pentecost; Acts 2:1-12, 42-47 Pentecost & Early Christian Community; Acts 15:1-12 First Synod; and/or (2) 1 of 5 themes from the Tool for Reviewing My Church Experience; and/or (3) 1 of 10 proposed Themes for the Synod. Please record the fruits of your prayer so that you are prepared to share it during the listening sessions. Tip: keep an inner attitude of reverence, generosity and trust in God. Next week the parish will send/post the guidelines for spiritual conversation and the reflection questions we will use in the listening sessions.
New Year, New You?
What better way to start the new year afresh than to review your day with the Examen?
December 2021
In order to comply with the Provincial Health regulations on public gatherings & avoid disappointment on days when Mass attendance will be higher than usual, our parish needs to get a sense of planned attendance at Masses at St. Marks through registration.
As you may know, recent Provincial Health Orders (Nov. 30, 2021) restrict attendance at church services to 50% capacity unless everyone attending the service is fully vaccinated.
Though we hope that most vaccination-eligible persons in the parish will be vaccinated, it is likely to prove challenging to collect vaccine information.
As such, we will use our 50% capacity limit of 115 persons as the number of persons able to attend any particular service at St. Marks in the coming weeks.

Christmas Liturgy Times
4th Sunday of Advent Dec 19th: 9:30am, 11:30am, 4:30pm
Christmas Liturgies
Christmas Eve: Friday Dec 24 5:00pm
Christmas Day: Saturday, Dec 25 9:30am, 11:30am
Sunday, Dec 26, 9:30am, 11:30am
New Year’s Day: Saturday, Jan 1, 2022; One mass at 11:00am
Sunday, Jan 2, 2022: 9:30am, 11:30am (no 4:30pm)
12:10pm weekday mass continues during the Christmas season, except on Dec 24
2022 Envelope Donation Boxes & Sunday Missals — Available Now
The 2022 Envelope Donation Boxes are available for pick up in the Chapel.
They are arranged in alphabetical order, by last names.
Kindly write your names on the first few envelopes you would be using in January 2022 so we can cross-reference envelope numbers with names.
Please contact the parish office at 604 822 0261 or by email at if you want to register or if you need an envelope donation box
Sunday Missals are $5.00 each
Drop payment in the wooden donation box in the chapel using the envelopes provided.
Missals for YOUNG CATHOLICS – Available Now—$10.00 each
Drop payment in the wooden donation box in the chapel using the envelopes provided.
St. Mark’s Annual Christmas Gift-giving to Purdy Pavilion
residents start this Sunday, December 5.
Cards will be handed out with the resident’s name on one side & the gift they will enjoy receiving on the opposite side. Please take a card, purchase the gift & attach the card securely to a Christmas bag or the wrapped gift with the resident’s name showing.
There are also gift items ($15 – 20 each) available for purchase in the chapel for this cause.
Many residents at Purdy (the extended care facility at UBC Hospital) have no family or friends to give them Christmas presents. Advent is a perfect time to share our blessings.
Be sure to bring the present no later than Sunday, December 19 so no one is left out.
Your support is much appreciated. Any questions, call Maureen. (604) 736-0081
Virtual Christmas Party
A Virtual Christmas Party will be held on Saturday, December 11 at 5:30pm.
Dress a “LIVE” Christmas Tree Party:
wear your “UGLY” or beautiful sweater, either works!
‘Tis the season to have some cheer…
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Come join us on December 12, Sunday at the 11:30am Mass
Let’s celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe with members of our vibrant St. Mark’s Community
Advent Reconciliation Service
Advent Retreat - Journeying with the Holy Family
Time/Date: Saturday, 4 December 2021 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (PST)
A prayerful invitation to the Advent season. This scripture-based morning retreat invites us to journey with the Holy Family as we enter into the mystery of this season. In this Year of the Family, Retreat Director Catherine M. Kelly, M.Div. will offer inspiring inputs on the family life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, using scripture, poetry, art, and music; plus quiet time for personal prayer; and small group faith sharing. All are welcome. Retreat 9 am – 12 pm. Retreat available in person and via Zoom. Sliding scale registration fees: $35-60+ plus 5% GST. Students $20 plus 5% GST.
Register here:
BC Vaccine Card plus photo ID and face masks are required for in-person participants.
November 2021
Development and Peace 2021: Fall Campaign “People and Planet First” Building a world of justice
Speaking up for rights and protesting injustices are powers we take for granted in Canada. In the Global South, however, communities are often threatened, criminalized and murdered for defending their rights, lands and water, often against foreign extractive industries like mining.
Sadly, many of these companies are Canadian. Pope Francis exhorts us Catholics to heed both “the Cry of the Poor and the Cry of the Earth”. Please support our D&P petition to the Federal Government to enact laws to enable our needy brothers and sisters, often indigenous, to hold these companies liable in Canadian courts to get better access to justice and to include human and environmental rights in their overseas operations.
They need our voices. We call on the House of Commons to enact due diligence legislation. Go to, read and sign the petition. Please join us and make a difference! People and Planet first before ruthless profits!
Covenant House Vancouver have been reflecting on the theme of “togetherness”
& what it means for the work they do. A little known aspect of their Outreach services involve visits to youth at the hospitals, to stay connected,to provide love & support.
Covenant House is more than just a program; they’re family!
As the seasons change, our fall activities get in full swing, and the uncertainty of what’s ahead continues to linger in our minds, these moments of “togetherness” really matter.
Let’s keep the most vulnerable young people in our community, in our minds.
If you’re able, would you make a gift to Covenant House Vancouver?
Please visit:
End of Semester Mass and Holy Hour
Breathe in the spirit of calm energy. Prepare for a successful exam period.
Join us for Mass on Thursday, Nov 25 at 12:10pm
Holy Hour from 5pm-6pm (Nov 25)
Gold Mass for Scientists
Organized by the Roman Catholic Chaplaincies at UBC & SFU and the Vancouver Chapter of the Society of Catholic Scientists Friday November 19, 5:30pm at St. Mark’s Parish at UBC 5935 Iona Drive, Vancouver
Scientists, science educators, university and high school students and all those with an interest in the relationship between faith and science are invited to attend. An outdoor reception will follow.
September-October 2021
Year of the Family - Reading and Discussion Group
For the Year of the Family, all parishioners are invited to participate in small group discussions of Pope Francis’ brief book, Building on Love, with excerpts from Amoris Laetitia. The pope’s magnificent text is divided into small sections such as Love Made Fruitful, Children as Gift and Blessing, the Spirituality of Marriage and Family. A series of questions for reflection and group discussion follows each section. The program occurs one Thursday evening per month from 7-9 pm starting on September 9.
We will offer the program in a hybrid format: in-person and via Zoom. Please register by contacting the Parish if you are interested. The cost of the book is $6. Dates are 7-9 pm Thursdays Oct, 7, Nov 4, Dec 2, Jan 6, Feb 3, Mar 3, Apr 7, May 5, Jun 2.
Donate Now to Deliver COVID-19 Vaccines
Your gift to UNICEF’s #GiveAVax Fund will be matched by the Government of Canada, doubling your impact and saving more lives!
Please donate at
Your Parish Social Justice committee is inviting all to consider a donation to the UNICEF “Give a Vax Emergency Match Fund”. More than 79% of eligible Canadians have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine – currently the highest rate in the world. Less than 1% of vaccines administered globally have been given in low-income countries. The Pope and the WHO urge our support for a swift and more just global distribution of vaccines. UNICEF Canada, with support from the federal government, has launched an appeal for financial donations.
To end this pandemic, we must protect everyone – everywhere – from COVID-19.
Every dollar raised will be matched by the Government of Canada — so you can double the impact of your gift right now.
Reception of Sacraments
Welcome and congratulations to:
Claire Maria Connolly & Lewis Long-Yi Zeller on their recent Baptism at St. Mark’s Parish
Sarah Kornder & Peter Byrne, Emily Thong & Patrick Lam, Laura Wynne & Matthew Lee Hutchinson who celebrated their summer & fall wedding ceremonies at St. Mark’s Parish