Religious Education

Children’s Liturgy

During the morning masses, we dismiss the children briefly, and will rejoin later in the mass.  The Children’s Liturgy of the Word should never be seen as separate from the Mass.  We should not think of them as having been “dismissed” from the assembly. When they are elsewhere, it is to enhance their inclusion in the liturgy, not separate them from it.  We encourage the children to come back share with us what “Jesus taught them”. 

We will be meeting in-person at the 9:30am and 11:30am Masses twice a month. 

Science and Faith Dialogue

Physicist Albert Einstein made the statement “science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind”

This group provides an opportunity to read articles and discussions between scientists and both lay ministers and clergy on topics where science and faith meet.

All are welcome to attend these meetings. No previous experience with the group is required. Contact Fr. Rob Allore, SJ

Sessions will be conducted in person in the Chapel.  For exact session schedules, click here.

Bible Study

Jesus Christ proclaimed that “the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). The Word of God is the basis for our faith and our understanding of how to live our faith. 

We’d love to have you join us and contribute your unique perspective to our discussions. Feel free to bring any questions or thoughts you might have.

Sessions are conducted via ZOOM and continue on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month after daily mass For exact session schedules, click here.

*** Sessions are cancelled until further notice ***

Contact the Parish to obtain a Zoom link

The exploration and questioning of our faith brings up a host of interesting topics.  The possibilities to find answers that deepen our faith are never-ending.  Take some time out of your busy schedule to listen and expand your mind on new ideas shared in these lectures.

Faith Formation Materials

If you have a desire to deepen your faith, you have come to the right place! Here you will find guided meditations, faith dialogue and talks, and articles.

All About the Saints

The communion of the faithful departed serves as an example of an exemplary faith life.  

Read stories about the Saints of the Church here


5935 Iona Drive
Vancouver, BC  V6T 1J7
Phone: 604-822-0261