Social Justice

Corporal Works of Mercy

(Entry by Caroline Lindholm – Sept 12, 2021; 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
This week, I would like to focus on the second reading from the letter of James, which reminds us that faith without works is dead and how works are an expression of faith. How do we explain this to our children? While it is important to have faith in God, having faith alone is not complete faith. By taking action to make the world a better place, we are strengthening our faith. When we love others, we become more like Jesus; when we witness pain and suffering, we understand better the suffering Jesus experienced on the cross. When we act in ways that make people’s lives and environment better, our actions show the love Jesus showed for all people. 
What kind of works do we need to do in order to show our faith? The Corporal works of Mercy offer excellent examples of how to show your works. Here are some practical examples of the Corporal Works of Mercy that you can do as a family:

All of these resources are from “Look to Him and be Radiant” which is an excellent resource for educational materials. I know that Lyse has referred to this site before. Here is the link for the pages above: