Past Events

September 2024

4:30pm Mass resumes on September 1, 2024 (Labour day weekend) to start the academic year.

Sacramental Preparation – Fall 2024

First Communion: Sept 22. 10:40-11:20am; Room 308 (College building)

Confirmation Preparation: Sept 22

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA):  Sept 15.  1:00pm Chapel.


Sessions take place during both the 9:30am & 11:30am Masses, every other Sunday.

Sessions will resume on Sunday, Sept 22, 2024.

Mass of the Holy Spirit

Weekday Celebration – Wednesday, Sep 11, 2024, 12:10PM. St. Mark’s Chapel

The Mass of the Holy Spirit follows the rich Jesuit tradition of opening the academic year with a liturgy that gathers the community to thank God for the gifts of creation and salvation, and to invoke the wisdom and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the coming year. 

Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB, of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver, and Reverend Dr. Robert Allore, SJ, Chaplain of UBC and Pastor of St. Mark’s Parish, and Reverend Nick Meisl, faculty member of the Colleges.

Light refreshments will be served after Mass. 


Sunday Celebration – Sunday, Sept 8, 2024. All Parish masses (9:30, 11:30, 4:30pm)

Celebrate the opening of the academic year for Corpus Christi College, St. Mark’s College and UBC.  

September at a Glance

Sept 1, 2024: 4:30pm mass resumes

Sept 4, 2024: 12:10pm Wednesday choir and daily Liturgy (11:30am rehearsal) every Wednesday.

Sept 6, 2024TGIFF Mass (12:10pm), Chili lunch and Bible Study.

Sept 8, 2024:  Marriage Enrichment, 2-4pm, Room 308.

Sept 8, 2024: Mass of the Holy Spirit (Sunday celebration): All Masses (9:30, 11:30, 4:30pm)

Sept 10 and 24, 2024: Science and Faith Reflection Group: 7:00pm Chapel

Sept 11, 2024: Mass of the Holy Spirit (Weekday celebration): 12:10pm

Sept 12 and 14, 2024: “Lord, Teach Us to Pray” Retreat (Same retreat offered twice)

Sept 15, 2024: RCIA Sessions: 1:00pm Chapel

Sept 22, 2024: First Communion classes: 10:40am-11:20am. Room 308

Sept 22, 2024: Confirmation Preparation.

Sept 22Children’s Liturgy begins: during 9:30am, 11:30am masses

Sept 22, 2024: CLC (Christian Life Community).  Student Faith sharing meeting: 5:45pm, Room 308

Student Faith sharing meetings will also be held on Wed Sept 25 1:30 pm and Thurs Sept 26 at 12 pm.  Location TBD

Sept 26, 2024:  Feast day of St. Jean de Brebeuf

Sept 28, 2024Student hike: 8:00am-4:00pm. 

Sept 30, 2024:  National day for Truth and Reconciliation

Baking Donors — Hospitality Volunteers

are needed forthe parish 9:30am, 11:30am and 4:30pm AFTER -MASS SOCIALS on Sundays.

Please sign-up in the hospitality binder at Plato’s Cave

TGIFF – Thank Goodness it’s First Friday
Mass, Chili lunch and bible study

Come and meet us!

On the first (or sometimes second) Friday of each month during the Academic year) we will meet for

Mass at 12:10pm in the Chapel
Chili lunch at 12:45pm in Plato’s Cave
“One Sunday Three Homilies” Bible Study to follow in the Chapel

Come for any part (of all of) of this event as your schedule allows.  The bible study will be based on “One Sunday Three Homilies”:  Three diffrence perspectives on the previous weeks readings.  

Next dates: Sept 6, 2024